dinhbrandon / tracethread

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Trace Thread

Trace Thread draws its name from the legendary tale where a thread helped navigate a complex maze, symbolizing the often convoluted journey junior tech professionals embark on during their job search.

Deployed site: https://tracethread.com

Core Objective

To provide a comprehensive platform for tech job seekers, particularly those at the early stage of their careers. It provides an advanced querying system for a nuanced job database search, robust data visualization to assist in matching roles to skillsets, and a machine learning mechanism to align job listings with applicants' resumes.

Technologies Used


Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/dinhbrandon/tracethread.git

    2.Setup Environmental Variables

    • Fill in the necessary environment variables in the .env file such as NODE_ENV, POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_DATABASES, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, and DATABASE_URL.
  2. **Build and Run with Docker Compose

    • Ensure Docker is installed on your machine
    • CD into the project's directory where the docker-compose file is located
    • Build your docker containers by running the following:
      docker-compose build
  3. Setting up the virtual environment and installing dependencies

    • This should all be automated in the Docker compose file when you build the container for the first time.
    • The file will install the requirements.txt and build containers for each of the services.
  4. **Running the development server***

    • Starting the development server will expose the URLs for the front-end and back-end services
    • You can also find these ports in the docker-compose file in the project directory
      docker-compose up