dinobby / HypEmo

The official implementation of ACL 2023 paper "Label-Aware Hyperbolic Embeddings for Fine-grained Emotion Classification."
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The implementation of the ACL 2023 paper Label-Aware Hyperbolic Embeddings for Fine-grained Emotion Classification.

This code is tested under Python3.10.11.


First, install the packages via the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt

you can optionally open config.py to change the dataset and hyperparameters.

Afterward, just run python train.py to start training!


You can find hyperparameters in config.py.

For GoEmotion dataset, we set alpha=0.9 and gamma=0.1.

For EmpatheticDialogues dataset, we set alpha=1.0 and gamma=0.25.

We use 1234 as the default random seed for all experiments.


train_label_embedding.py contains the script for training the hyperbolic label embeddings.

This script originates from https://github.com/dalab/hyperbolic_cones.

If you are using other datasets, you may run this script on your custom label to obtain hyperbolic embeddings.

Once it is done, you will get a .bin in the label_tree folder, and you can run the main script by train.py.

If you are not using a custom dataset, you can skip this section and directly run train.py.


We have prepared all the processed data in the data folder, which is from GoEmotion and EmpatheticDialogues. We also rely on Hyperbolic cones to learn hyperbolic embeddings.