diogoscf / github-lines

A minimal and non-intrusive multi-platform bot to display lines from GitHub (or GitLab) links
MIT License
60 stars 10 forks source link
discord-bot hacktoberfest

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GitHub Lines

GitHub Lines is a minimal and non-intrusive multi-platform bot that displays one or more lines when mentioned in a GitHub (or GitLab) link. It also supports syntax highlighting!



![Github LinesExample][example-image]

Adding to a Discord server

Add the bot to your server by clicking this link.

Discord Commands

GitHub Lines has a few commands that you can use, although no commands are necessary to display the lines. The prefix for the commands is ";"

  1. ;help - Returns a list of commands
  2. ;about or ;stats - Returns some info about the bot
  3. ;invite, ;vote or ;topgg - Returns the link for the bot's top.gg page, from where you can invite the bot to your server
  4. ;botsgg - Returns the link for the bot's discord.bots.gg page, from where you can invite the bot to your server
  5. ;ping - Returns the bot's latency
  6. ;github or ;source - Returns the bot's source GitHub repo


Add user githublinesbot to the group.

Running your own

To run the bot yourself, follow these simple steps:

  1. Clone the repo (git clone https://github.com/diogoscf/github-lines.git)
  2. Copy .env.example into .env and paste your Discord bot token (obtain one here) after DISCORD_TOKEN=
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm start

If you wish to, you may also specify a top.gg token (after TOPGG=in the .env file). You can also specify a GitHub OAuth token (after GITHUB_TOKEN=in the .env file) to avoid rate limits when accessing the API.


We'd happily accept any contributions to this project. Open an issue if you have any ideas, or open a PR if you'd like to contribute directly.


[example-image]: https://github.com/diogoscf/github-lines/raw/master/assets/github-lines-example.PNG

[discord-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Discord-5865F2?style=for-the-badge&logo=discord&logoColor=white

[telegram-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Telegram-2CA5E0?style=for-the-badge&logo=telegram&logoColor=white

[discord-topgg-badge]: https://img.shields.io/static/v1?style=flat&logo=discord&logoColor=FFF&label=&message=invite%20me&color=7289DA

[discord-topgg-status-badge]: https://top.gg/api/widget/status/708282735227174922.svg

[discord-topgg-servers-badge]: https://top.gg/api/widget/servers/708282735227174922.svg

[codacy-badge]: https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/baf4e71f649147189e973c38fd5cd425

[travis-badge]: https://app.travis-ci.com/diogoscf/github-lines.svg?branch=master

[codacy-link]: https://app.codacy.com/manual/diogoscf/github-lines?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=diogoscf/github-lines&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade_Dashboard