diondokter / at-commands

Rust project for building and parsing at commands
Apache License 2.0
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AT Commands builder and parser for Rust #![no_std] crates.io Documentation

This crate can be used to build and parse at command style messages efficiently.

Help would be appreciated! Interested in new features, efficiency improvements and API improvements.



use at_commands::builder::CommandBuilder;

let mut buffer = [0; 128];

// Make a query command
let result = CommandBuilder::create_query(&mut buffer, true)

// Buffer now contains "AT+MYQUERY?"
// Copy or DMA the resulting slice to the device.

// Make a set command
let result = CommandBuilder::create_set(&mut buffer, false)

// Buffer now contains "+MYSET=42"
// Copy or DMA the resulting slice to the device.


use at_commands::parser::CommandParser;

let (x, y, z) = CommandParser::parse(b"+SYSGPIOREAD:654,\"true\",-65154\r\nOK\r\n")

// x = 654
// y = "true"
// z = -65154


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