dionyziz / popow

Research and implementation for non-interactive blockchain proofs of proofs of work
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Non-interactive proofs-of-proofs-of-work for proof-of-work-based blockchains.


Proofs-of-proofs-of-work are short arguments that prove that some proof-of-work has taken place. The argument includes proof that the proof-of-work is included in a particular blockchain by proving that the proof-of-work begins at a particular genesis block. It also includes proof of the amount of work that has taken place in computational hours destroyed.

Proofs-of-proofs of work are sublinear in size with respect to the blockchain length. They can be constant size with respect to the underlying blockchain length in the optimistic case, or logarithmic size with respect to the underlying blockchain length in the worst case.

Unlike SPV proofs which are linear in length, PoPoWs are very succinct and can fit in just a couple of KB. They are ideal for long-lived quickly growing blockchains such as the financial blockchains of bitcoin and ethereum.

Interactive PoPoWs

For the original interactive PoPoWs theory work, see our paper Proofs of Proofs of Work with Sublinear Complexity at Financial Crypto 2016.

Non-interactive PoPoWs

Non-interactive PoPoWs (NIPOPOWs) can be used as succinct proofs for multi- currency SPV clients, or in pegged sidechains. This provides secure non-interactive proofs between chains that can be challenged in the case an adversary produces an invalid proof.


In order to enable PoPoWs in bitcoin, we require a simple backwards-compatible change in bitcoin blocks: A 32-byte merkle tree root hash of a tree containing hierarchical references to lg(n) previous superblocks must be included in each block. This can be part of a transaction included in the transactions merkle tree whose root hash is included in block headers. As such, this requires only a hard fork.

This repository will contain the BIP once it is written.

Prototype implementation

We will provide a prototype implementation of a miner who includes and verifies hierarchical references in their blocks.