direct-phonology / phoNy

phonology in spaCy!
MIT License
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linguistics nlp phonology python spacy

phoNy: phonology in spaCy!

ci status pypi version code style: black

phoNy is a spaCy extension that adds pipeline components, models, and features for working with phonology.


requires spacy v3.

pip install spacy-phony


this package currently provides a single pipeline component, the Phonemizer, which performs grapheme-to-phoneme conversion. documentation is coming soon!


after cloning the repository:

pip install -e ".[dev]"
pre-commit install


to run tests:

python -m unittest

you can also generate a coverage report:

coverage run --source=src -m unittest discover
coverage report -m


remove the -dev prefix from the version in setup.cfg before the release.

clear out any previously built packages before building:

rm -rf dist/*

build a source archive and distribution for a release:

python -m build

publish the release on test PyPI (useful for making sure everything worked):

python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*

if everything looks ok, upload to the real PyPI:

python -m twine upload dist/*

bump the version number to the next version with a -dev prefix in setup.cfg after releasing.


code is licensed under the MIT license.