direktspeed / tag-html

Efficient, Fast ,Expressive, Extensible HTML templates with JavaScript Tagged Template Literals that render in any Environment
Apache License 2.0
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tag-html html``

Mainly InterOp patterns for template strings used in nodejs and the browser also some advanced stuff keeping it for usage but i also often find my self simple writing the needed function in place where it is needed.

Is minimalistic ES6+ Templating Engine with Optional Helper methods for tasks like Promises, .... it is more light weight then lit-html while offering Cross Platform and Environment Support. Eg: WebWorker ServiceWorker NodeJS Browser.

it even is lit-html compatible the only striped out feature is directives its successor is customElements

it creates Efficient, Fast ,Expressive, Extensible HTML templates with JavaScript Tagged Template Literals that render in any Environment

offers also a Cross Environment WebComponents bridge to allow SSR and CustomElements without a JSDOM in nodejs so it offers highperformance low overhead SSR.

we encurage functional reactive programming via Streams and integrate in our examples the @direktspeed/stream lib wich offers extensiv predefined Stream Interfaces for Common and Imposibible Tasks.


import {html, htmlPromise, render, asElement, renderAsElement, getTagName, defineComponentElement} from 'tag-html';
// # String Methods
// This is a tag-html template function. It returns a tag-html template.
const helloTemplate = name => html`<div>Hello ${name}!</div>`;

// This renders <div>Hello Frank!</div> to the document body
render(helloTemplate('Frank'), document.body);

// This updates to <div>Hello Nils!</div>
render(helloTemplate('Nils'), document.body);

// In NodeJS
render(helloTemplate('Nils')) // => <div>Hello Nils!</div>;
render(helloTemplate('Nils'),{ innerHTML: '' }) // => { innerHTML: '<div>Hello Nils!</div>' };

let result 
console.log(result)//=> '<div>Hello Nils!</div>';

const templateAsFunction = (data=string) => `${data}`
const othertemplatewithdata = data => templateAsFunction(data)

// Working with promises
const helloTemplatePromise = name => htmlPromise`<div>Hello ${Promise.resolve('myName')}!</div>`;

getTagName(helloTemplate) //=> 'hello-template'
html`${asElement(helloTemplate)}` //=> '<hello-template><hello-template>'

// Components with customElements
renderAsElement(helloTemplate('Frank')) //=> '<hello-template><div>Frank!</div><hello-template>'
// you should always code your elements to be self defining like this on load. so you always expect them to have content set
// or you always expect them to have no content set on init.
defineComponentElement(class HelloTemplate extends ifHTMLElement {
    connectedCallback() {
        this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML+'!!!!'
}) //=> '<hello-template><div>Frank!!!!!</div><hello-template>'

document.createElement('tag-name').toString() => '<tag-name></tag-name>';
'<tag-name></tag-name>'.slice(1).split('>',2)[0].split(" ",2)[0] => 'tag-name';

const titleTemplate = title => html`<title>${title}</title>`
const headTemplate = (titel) => html`<head>${title}</head>`
headTemplate(titleTemplate('Hello World'))

const createStyleAttributeValue = (style) => Object.entries.map((key,val)=>`${key}:${val}`).join(";");
const createAttributes = obj => Object.entries.map((key,val)=>`${key}="${val}"`).join(" ");

// creating a string representation of a Element based on tagName and style
const definedElementTemplate = (tagName,{ style, innerHTML, ...attributes }) => `<${tagName} ${
 createAttributes({ ...attributes, style: createStyleAttributeValue(style)})

definedElementTemplate("hi-mom",{ style: { color: 'red' }, innerHTML: `ùff` });

// other method maybe more modular and clean 
// creating a string representation of a Element based on tagName and style
const definedElementTemplate = (tagName,{ innerHTML, ...attributes }) => `<${tagName} ${
  createAttributes({ ...attributes })

  style: createStyleAttributeValue({ color: 'red' }), innerHTML: `ùff`

How Components work

a tagHtmlComponent is a template so it can be String, Function, Object with a render method eg; class or constructor function to make Components Interactive you need to define customElements for the elements in the Component. You can use Components inside your customElements but you can't use customElements logic inside Components unless you use some DOM Pollyfill or you run exclusiv in a Browser Environment. As design Philiosophy you should always use strings and serializeable methods eg: use attribute changes use data-attributes use inner content do not use slots. as they break the concept of string serializability on the server.

Old Deprecated How Components

Its a Constructor that registers as a custom-element if tag is supplyed and we are running in the browser It also returns a instantiat able representation of your Component that you can use via new myComponent it also acts as a registry if you use in a nodeJs Template it will look if it can get a representation of it even if customElements api is not there. if u use this style your components should be written in a way that accepts attributes as input for inital data.

tag-html Component Example NodeJS, Browser, WebWorker

import { html, render, Component } from 'tag-html';

// To Make a App Template simply return it without tag then its document!
const helloComponent = Component.define({
    tag: 'hello-world',
    template: ({ name }) => html`<div>Hello ${name}!</div>`,
    viewModel: { name: 'Frank' }

// In Nodejs
function (req,res,next) {
     *  <html><head></head><body>
     *  <hello-world><div>Hello Frank!</div></hello-world><br />
     *  <hello-world><div>Hello Nils!</div></hello-world><br />
     *  </body></html>

// In the Browser

TODO Implament domc


TODO Component patterns

We Should show new syntax for reUseable Components eg component + defineComponentDefinition

// no partial app const myAppNoPart = Component.define({ template: ({ names }) => html<html><head></head><body> ${names.map(name =>${new helloComponent({ name })}
).join('')} </body></html>, viewModel: { names: ['Frank', 'Nils'] } })