dis446 / Shelter-Survival-Text-Based

An open source, text based version of the popular Bethesda Fallout Shelter game.
9 stars 7 forks source link


An open source, text based version of the popular Bethesda Fallout Shelter game, with a few modifications, written in Python 3. Shelter Survival should has inventory, crafting, room-building, room-rushing, and scrapping systems. The player shall be an overseer who is an actual character in the game, with their own stats. Uses Fallout's S.P.E.C.I.A.L system.


-json -python 3.x -pickle -appdirs -readline or pyreadline (optional)

Notes: By T.G. I had this idea to help me get started with developing more advanced games. I am an aspiring software engineer and wanted to get serious about software and convinced myself to get an account on Github. I will now start developing projects in Python and (hopefully) other languages.