disconsented / Cristallum

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(Inspired by Tiberium)

Cristallum is a Quasicrystal that can be harvested in order to produce materials. The type and quantity depends on the type of Cristallum and the minerals present at the time of generation.

Cristallum comes in three varieties:

Cristallum spreads out of ‘spires’ which upon generation will scan the area around and below it to determine the amount of minerals in the area, from there it will generate the crystals based upon what it finds. Only one type of Cristallum will be found per field.

Spires will:

When an entity comes in contact with Cristallum it will rapidly degrade armour in 30 seconds (iron armour against green Cristallum) once the armour is gone the entity will receive ichor poisoning which will slowly damage and eventually cause sudden organ failure if not cured (until I find a better idea it will be milk).

Cristallum will take over the environment in a limited area around the spire.


  1. Crush the crystals into dust
  2. Insert them into centrifuge (also takes water and energy in the form of RF)
  3. Take the sludge and then cook it

Centrifuge is likely going to be a multiblock that will accept water as a liquid or in a bucket and crystals. It will likely output sludge as a liquid or via a bucket.

Alternate process:

Alternate process 2:

Harvesters (possibility) in order to automatically gather resources.