discord-tickets / bot

The most popular open-source and self-hosted ticket management bot for Discord - a free alternative to the premium and white-label plans of other popular ticketing bots.
GNU General Public License v3.0
880 stars 459 forks source link
bot discord discord-bot discord-js discord-ticket-bot discord-ticket-transcripts discord-tickets discord-tickets-bot ticket-bot ticket-bot-discord ticket-management ticket-system ticket-tool tickets ticketsbot
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![Discord Tickets](https://static.eartharoid.me/discord-tickets/logo/wordmark/gradient-by-eartharoid.png) **A free alternative to the premium and white-label plans of other ticket management bots.**
Discord Tickets - A free ticketing solution | Product Hunt
--- [![BisectHosting](https://www.bisecthosting.com/partners/custom-banners/41ca8074-184e-4ad1-a44d-77750ee8bfb9.webp)](https://bisecthosting.com/discordtickets) Partnered with BisectHosting
for affordable bot hosting ---

πŸ“– Contents

✨ Features

...and more!

Want to learn more?

Visit the website for more features, details, and screenshots, or skip to the full feature tour.

⚑ Getting started

πŸ™ Please read the documentation before you start.

There are 3 ways to get started with Discord Tickets:

Read the documentation for more information.

This button is here because it looks nice, but I will cry if you click it before reading the documentation. :)

Deploy on Railway

πŸ€‘ Sponsors

Discord Tickets is made possible by these awesome people and organisations:


Please consider sponsoring the project if it adds value to your business/community.

Sponsor on GitHub, or

Donate at ko-fi


Your logo will only appear here if you sponsor through GitHub Sponsors. Create an organisation if you want to use your business/community logo.

πŸŽ–οΈ Contributors

Discord Tickets is made possible by all of the people listed in CONTRIBUTORS.md.

πŸ’» Contributing

If you want to help translate, suggest a feature, submit a bug report, or contribute in any other way, please read the contributing guidelines.

Note You can add yourself to the list of contributors here.

🌎 Translating

Translation status

πŸ˜• Support


⭐ Star History

Show graph [![Star History Chart](https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=discord-tickets/bot&type=Date)](https://star-history.com/#discord-tickets/bot&Date)

πŸ₯± License

Discord Tickets by eartharoidℒ️ is licensed under the GPLv3 license.

This is not an official Discord product. It is not affiliated with nor endorsed by Discord Inc.

Β© 2023 Isaac Saunders