disler / poc-realtime-ai-assistant

Sharing early versions of Ada, a personal AI Assistant built on OpenAIs Realtime API
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POC Python Realtime API o1 assistant

This is a proof of concept for using the OpenAI's Realtime API to chain tools, call o1-preview & o1-mini, structure output responses, and glimpse into the future of AI assistant powered engineering.

See video where we use SQL methods and discuss AI engineering in 2025

See video where we use and discuss this POC

See video where we add memory and tools to the assistant

This codebase is a v0.3, poc. It's buggy, but contains the core ideas for realtime personal ai assistants & AI Agents.

engineers-ai-assistant engineers-ai-assistant realtime-assistant


Assistant Tools

See TOOLS.md for a detailed list of available tools and their descriptions.


You can customize the behavior of the assistant by modifying the personalization.json file. Here are the available options:

Example personalization.json:

  "browser_urls": [
  "browser_command": "open -a 'Google Chrome'",
  "ai_assistant_name": "Ada",
  "human_name": "User",
  "sql_dialect": "sqlite",
  "system_message_suffix": "Always be helpful and concise in your responses."

The system_message_suffix allows you to add custom instructions or personality traits to your AI assistant. This suffix will be appended to the end of the default system instructions, giving you more control over how the assistant behaves and responds.

Try This

Voice Commands

Here are some voice commands you can try with the assistant:

CLI Text Prompts

You can also pass text prompts to the assistant via the CLI. Use '|' to separate prompts to chain commands.

Code Breakdown

Code Organization

The codebase is organized within the src/realtime_api_async_python directory. The application is modularized, with core functionality divided into separate Python modules located in the modules/ directory. Tests are located in the tests/ directory, providing a starting point for testing the application's components.

Important Files and Directories

Memory Management

The assistant uses the MemoryManager class in memory_management.py to handle memory operations. This class provides methods to create, read, update, delete, and list memory entries. Memory is stored persistently in active_memory.json, enabling the assistant to access and manipulate memory across sessions.

Tools Framework

Tools are functions defined in modules/tools.py that extend the assistant's capabilities. These tools are mapped in function_map and are available for the assistant to perform actions based on user requests. The assistant uses these tools to execute specific tasks, enhancing its functionality and allowing for dynamic interactions.


Up for a challenge? Here are some ideas on how to improve the experience:

Mock Database (sqlite and duckdb)
