disruptek / atoz

Amazon Web Services (AWS) APIs in Nim
MIT License
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amazon api atoz aws client nim openapi


Amazon Web Services (AWS) APIs in Nim

Supported APIs

Sadly, only the 220 most popular AWS APIs are supported at this time. :cry:


Your import statement names the APIs you want to use and the versions of same, ie. release dates without any hyphens.

For signing purposes, set your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_REGION environmental variables.

import asyncdispatch
import httpclient
import httpcore

import atoz/sqs_20121105 # ie. SQS release version 2012-11-05
import atoz/sns_20100331 # ie. SNS release version 2010-03-31

  # the call() gets arguments you might expect; they have sensible
  # defaults depending upon the call, the API, whether they are
  # required, what their types are, whether we can infer a default...
  myQueues = getListQueues.call(QueueNamePrefix="production_")
for response in myQueues.retried(tries=3):
  if response.code.is2xx:
    echo waitfor response.body

  # you can usually override the API version, even to use a later
  # version than the one you imported.  but, y'know, why would you?
  myTopics = getListTopics.call(Version="1969-12-31")
  response = waitfor myTopics.retry(tries=3)
if response.code.is2xx:
  echo waitfor response.body


This project is based almost entirely upon the following:

Patches welcome!
