distributed-text-services / specifications

Specifications for the DTS API
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Distributed Text Services (DTS)

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The DTS Specification is currently a First Public Working Draft.

What is DTS?

The Distributed Text Services (DTS) Specification defines an API for working with collections of text as machine-actionable data.

Publishers of digital text collections can use the DTS API to help them make their textual data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR).

DTS enables machine-consumption of digital text collections, and can be used by consumers of these collections in a variety of ways, such as for data analysis and the development of user-interfaces, tools and services.

DTS is a specification for an API and not in and of itself an implementation of that API. Reference Implementations are available (see below) and individual text publishers are encouraged to implement this API in their own projects where appropriate.

See the FAQ for more information and a list of frequently asked questions about DTS.

Supported Operations

DTS specifies 3 distinct operation endpoints:

The Collection and Navigation endpoin. The Document endpoint is specified to return TEI/XML of the requested text or fragment.


The DTS API provides the following core capabilities to clients:

Reference Implementations

The following open source libraries implement the DTS API (1.0 Draft):

Known Corpora Accessible via the DTS API

The following open source libraries implement the DTS API (1.0 Draft):