distriqt / ANE-IronSource

IronSource ANE updated to latest SDK
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actionscript adobe-air android ane as3 ios ironsource

built by distriqt //

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This is not an official extension and is not endorsed or sponsored by ironSource.


ironSource is an AIR Native Extension to access the ironSource advertising SDK for in app monetisation.

We developed this extension so we can update it to match the latest native versions without waiting for updates from IronSource directly, which seem to be given a lower priority and lag behind the native SDKs.



The documentation site forms the best source of detailed documentation for the extension along with the asdocs.

Quick Example:

IronSource.instance.init( Config.IRONSRC_APP_KEY, [ IronSource.REWARDED_VIDEO ] );

if (IronSource.instance.isRewardedVideoAvailable())

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