The DITA for Publishers HTML5 plugin makes it possible to generate complete HTML5-based Web sites including all the supporting Javascript and CSS files. It manages generating the HTML5 source and copying any supporting toolking for the Web site. You can configure the theme you want or use any HTML5 library or design you prefer.
The HTML5 plugin depends on the following other plugins:
All these plugins are provided in the main DITA for Publishers distribution or you can install each plugin individually.
NOTE: Currently only works with the 1.8.5 Open Toolkit due to dependencies on the org.dita-community.adjust-copy-to plugin, which only works with 1.8.5. Work is under way to remove this limitation so the transform will work with OT 1.7.5, 1.8.5, and 2.1+.
18 June 2015: Take @copy-to into account for result files.
There three ways to install the plugin:
If you want to do development on top of the HTML5 plugin, you will need to install the YUI compressor. This tool is used to compress your css and javascripts assets.
Using Ant:
ant -Dargs.input=samples/hierarchy.ditamap -Doutput.dir=out/garage-num -Dtranstype=d4p-html5
Using Java:
java -jar lib\dost.jar /i:samples/hierarchy.ditamap /transtype:d4p-html5
The documentation has been moved to the main Dita4Publishers project.