ditesh / node-poplib

POP3 client library for Node.js
MIT License
128 stars 44 forks source link


node-poplib offers an MIT-licensed client library for the POP3 protocol. It is currently provides the following capabilities:

It complies to:


You have two installation options:

  1. Via npm: npm install poplib

  2. Download the source and install it yourself

Quick demo

Connect to GMail's POP3 servers using the provided demo script as follows:

$ node demos/demo.js --host pop.gmail.com --port 995 --username user@gmail.com --password potato --tls on --debug on --networkdebug on
Server: '+OK Gpop ready for requests from bh7pf61475604pab.24\r\n'
CONNECT success
Client: 'USER user@gmail.com\r\n'
Server: '+OK send PASS\r\n'
Client: 'PASS potato\r\n'
Server: '-ERR [AUTH] Username and password not accepted.\r\n'
Client: 'QUIT\r\n'
Server: '+OK Farewell.\r\n'
QUIT success

Detailed Usage

node-poplib is event based. It is best to illustrate via examples:

Here we initialize the client (for plain text transmission):

var POP3Client = require("poplib");
var client = new POP3Client(port, host, {

        tlserrs: false,
        enabletls: true,
        debug: false


The third parameter, options, takes three options. If enabletls is true, the library will use a TLS connection. Note that you will have to set the correct port (generally 995). If tlserrs is true, then TLS errors will be ignored. Finally, the debug parameter prints out requests and responses.

Next, we trap several common states:

client.on("error", function(err) {

        if (err.errno === 111) console.log("Unable to connect to server");
        else console.log("Server error occurred");



client.on("connect", function() {

        console.log("CONNECT success");
        client.login(username, password);


client.on("invalid-state", function(cmd) {
        console.log("Invalid state. You tried calling " + cmd);

client.on("locked", function(cmd) {
        console.log("Current command has not finished yet. You tried calling " + cmd);

The error event is emitted when there is a network error. The underlying error object is passed back to user-code.

The connect event is emitted when the connection to the remote server is successful.

The invalid-state event is emitted when you try to carry out an action not allowed within your current state (eg, attempting to RETR-ieve a message when authentication has not been completed).

The locked event is emitted when you try to execute another command while the current command has not finished executing successfully (eg, attempting to RETR-ieve a message while the remote server has not finished sending LIST data).

On a successful connect, we try authenticating:

client.on("connect", function() {

        console.log("CONNECT success");
        client.login(username, password);


Note that on successful login, we try listing. For all events, the first received argument is always a boolean indicating whether the command succeeded. The last received argument is always the raw unparsed data received from the remote server. The intermediate arguments contain parsed data.

client.on("login", function(status, rawdata) {

    if (status) {

        console.log("LOGIN/PASS success");

    } else {

        console.log("LOGIN/PASS failed");


// Data is a 1-based index of messages, if there are any messages
client.on("list", function(status, msgcount, msgnumber, data, rawdata) {

    if (status === false) {

        console.log("LIST failed");

    } else {

        console.log("LIST success with " + msgcount + " element(s)");

        if (msgcount > 0)


client.on("retr", function(status, msgnumber, data, rawdata) {

    if (status === true) {

        console.log("RETR success for msgnumber " + msgnumber);

    } else {

        console.log("RETR failed for msgnumber " + msgnumber);


client.on("dele", function(status, msgnumber, data, rawdata) {

    if (status === true) {

        console.log("DELE success for msgnumber " + msgnumber);

    } else {

        console.log("DELE failed for msgnumber " + msgnumber);


client.on("quit", function(status, rawdata) {

    if (status === true) console.log("QUIT success");
    else console.log("QUIT failed");



login(username, password)

Self explanatory. This executes USER and PASS. Do not use over cleartext channels. Preferably don't use it at all as auth() implements AUTH which deprecates the need for USER and PASS. Emits login event.

apop(username, password)

This executes APOP. Requires server side support. Preferably don't use it as auth() implements AUTH which deprecates the need for USER and PASS. Emits apop event.

auth(type, username, password)

This executes AUTH. Requires server side support. Currently only "PLAIN" and "CRAM-MD5" types are supported. Emits auth event.


This executes STLS. Requires server side support (check using capa() first). According to the RFC's, using STLS is preferable to a purely TLS connection (although some servers only support purely TLS connections). Emits stls event.


This executes CAPA. Requires server side support. Emits capa event.


This executes LIST. If the optional msgnumber is provided, then LIST msgnumber is executed. Emits list event.

top(msgnumber, lines)

This executes TOP. Requires server side support. msgnumber and lines must be provided. TEmits top event.


This executes STAT. Emits stat event.


This executes UIDL. If the optional msgnumber is provided, then UIDL msgnumber is executed. Emits uidl event.


This executes RETR. msgnumber must be provided. Emits retr event.


This executes DELE. msgnumber must be provided. Emits dele event.


This executes RSET. Emits rset event.


This executes NOOP. Emits noop event.


This executes QUIT. Emits quit event.



The connect event is emitted upon competion of connection attempt (initiated in the constructor). The arguments, in order, are:


The login event is emitted upon competion of login() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The apop event is emitted upon competion of apop() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The auth event is emitted upon competion of auth() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The stls event is emitted upon competion of stls() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The capa event is emitted upon competion of capa() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The list event is emitted upon competion of list() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The top event is emitted upon competion of top() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The stat event is emitted upon competion of stat() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The uidl event is emitted upon competion of uidl() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The retr event is emitted upon competion of retr() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The dele event is emitted upon competion of the dele() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The rset event is emitted upon competion of the rset() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The noop event is emitted upon competion of the noop() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The quit event is emitted upon competion of the quit() method. The arguments, in order, are:


The error event is emitted if there is an error event from the underlying socket. The original error object is passed as an argument.


The invalid-state event is emitted when an action not allowed within the current state s attmempted (eg, attempting to RETR-ieve a message when AUTH-entication has not been completed).


The locked event is emitted when a method is called while existing execution has not finished executing (eg, attempting to RETR-ieve a message while the remote server has not finished sending LIST data).

Tests & Demos

Tests are in tests. Demos are in demos.

There is a full-featured POP3 client example in demos/demo.js. There is also a simple example of downloading all emails in a POP3 server and saving it locally in an mbox formatted file in demos/retrieve-all.js.

For testing purposes, you can use the following sendmail.sh script to pump email into your SMTP server for retrieval via POP3:

./sendmail.sh 10 "user@example.com" "this is my subject" "this is my body"

You can execute the test-runner as follows:

./runner.sh username password pop3server pop3port pop3tlsport testemail@address.com