ditrit / OGrEE-Core

OGrEE, a Datacenter Digital Twin Platform
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A smart datacenter digital twin

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OGrEE exists so managing a datacenter can be easier. It aggregates data from different datacenter tools to create a digital twin easily accessible from your computer, smartphone or even VR/AR glasses. Its analysis capabilities helps identify issues faster, better prepare for maintenance and migrations, minimize risks and errors.

Why OGrEE | OGrEE-Core | OGrEE-3D | Quickstart | Demo | Get Involved



Different professionals work together in a datacenter with its different tools, OGrEE is here to integrate them. Here are some use cases and questions OGrEE may help with:

OGrEE has an offline mode, working just with dumps and logs extracted from other tools to avoiding floating the network with constant requests.


OGrEE-Core assembles 3 essential components of OGrEE:

Together, these components form an OGrEE Tenant, a deployment instance of OGrEE.



This is OGrEE's 3D client, a 3D datacenter viewer based on Unity game engine to display and interact with an OGrEE Tenant. You can access to the OGrEE-3D repo here.


A few options are avaiable to help deploy your first OGrEE Tenant:

Option 1: SuperAdmin APP

The APP has a SuperAdmin version to create and manage OGrEE Tenants with a pretty UI. To quickly deploy it, just execute the launch script appropriate to your OS from the deploy/app folder.

cd deploy/app

# Windows (use PowerShell)
# Linux 
# MacOS 
./launch.sh -m

This will use docker to compile APP and BACK (a Go backend for SuperAdmin), then run a docker container for the SuperAdmin webapp and locally run the compiled binary of BACK. For more launch options, check the documentation under deploy.

Check the SuperAdmin user guide on how to create and manage a tenant as well as download a CLi and 3D client from it.

Option 2: Docker compose

Don't want a pretty UI to manage a tenant? Just run docker compose to create a new tenant:

docker compose --project-name <your-project> --profile web -f deploy/docker/docker-compose.yml up

This will create a docker deployment with an API, a DB and a WebAPP

The config can be updated beforehand in deploy/docker/.env

Option 3: Windows Installer (Windows only)

We have a Windows Installer to quickly install SuperAdmin with a CLI and a 3D client. Download the latest from here and it will guide through the installation. Then, check the SuperAdmin user guide on how to create and manage a tenant


OGrEE-Tools is a collection of tools help populate OGrEE with data. They can help extract and parse data from multiple logs, create 3D models of servers using Machine Learning and much more. Check out its repo here.


Check out our Live Demo! 👉 https://app.demo.kube.ogree.ditrit.io/
Login with user john@ogreecore.com and password password.


You can also see a quick demo video of a datacenter being created on OGrEE:


Our website ogree.ditrit.io also has some others videos and photos of OGrEE.

Get Involved

New contributors are more than welcome!