djalilhebal / softviz-philosophers

The dinning philosophers problem in JavaFX
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PhiloFX: Dining Philosophers

Dinning philosophers problem visualization in Java #JavaFX #JavaScriptingAPI #Nashorn
(This is a rough work-in-progress--see the TODO file.)


After Trois Threads (useless vizualization) and Traffic Sim (web simulation), I think it's time for a more serious simulation in Java.

Screenshot of the graphical user interface

Screenshot of the command line interface

How to use

Write the philosopher(i) (or philosophe(i)) procedure to solve the dining philosophers problem using semaphores.

From the command line (on Linux!):

java -jar philo.jar PRESET

* These are read from the presets folder in the current working directory.

Predefined functions

How it works


Nashorn to execute user code

UML class diagram



References and Good Reads

Credits and Thanks


By @djalilhebal and @wanisramdani, under CC BY 3.0