django-commons / membership

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Django Commons

Django Commons is an organization dedicated to supporting the community's efforts to maintain packages. It seeks to improve the maintenance experience for all contributors; reducing the barrier to entry for new contributors and reducing overhead for existing maintainers.

Django Commons has lofty goals for the future, but it will only be possible with your help:

How to join as a contributor?

  1. Review Code of Conduct
  2. Create a new member issue in the django-commons/membership repository.

How to transfer a project in?

  1. A person with the ability to transfer the project must join Django Commons (see How to join as a contributor?)
  2. Create a transfer project in issue in the django-commons/membership repository.

How to transfer a project out?

  1. Create a transfer project out issue in the django-commons/membership repository.


What are the differences between Django Commons and Jazzband?

Django Commons and Jazzband have similar goals, to support community-maintained projects. There are two main differences. The first is that Django Commons leans into the GitHub paradigm and centers the organization as a whole within GitHub. This is a risk, given there's some vendor lock-in. However, the repositories are still cloned to several people's machines and the organization controls the keys to PyPI, not GitHub. If something were to occur, it's manageable.

The second is that Django Commons is built from the beginning to have more than one administrator. Jazzband has been working for a while to add additional roadies (administrators), but there hasn't been visible progress. Given the importance of several of these projects it's a major risk to the community at large to have a single point of failure in managing the projects. By being designed from the start to spread the responsibility, it becomes easier to allow people to step back and others to step up, making Django more sustainable and the community stronger.

What is each respository team for?

There are three teams for each repository. They each have different permissions.

The general team [project-name] gives you triage permissions (assign issues, labels, etc).

The [project-name]-committers gives you permission to merge pull requests and push to main. They are people who generally maintain the project.

The [project-name]-admins gives you permissions to administrate the GitHub repo and release new versions to PyPI. This may be the same group of people that are on [project-name]-commiters.

Who can work on a project?

Anyone can fork any project and work on any issue. All projects within Django Commons are community maintained. If you're interested in working on a specific project, go get to work!

Which repository is for what?



Vectors and icons by Raisul Hadi in CC Attribution License via SVG Repo.