djiesr / Hydro-Quebec_Open_Data

Add Open Data from Hydro-Quebec to your Home Assistant
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Add Open Data from Hydro-Quebec

Add production or consummation of electricity from Hydro-Québec to Home Assistant. The production is updating every hour and the consummation, every 15 minutes.


Copy the hq_open_data.yaml file with your other package file.

If you didn't configure packages file before, follow these steps:

  1. Add these lines in your configuration.yaml. If you already have a line "homeassistant:", just copy the "packages" line.

  packages: !include_dir_named packages/

  1. Create the "packages" folder in your "config" folder in Home Assistant.
  2. Download or copy the hq_open_data.yaml file in your "HA"/config/packages/ folder.
  3. Reboot HA
  4. All sensor start by "Hydro-Québec Demande" or "Hydro-Québec Production"

You can paste the "dashboard.yaml" content in a empty card of your dashboard for this result.


But the gap between the value and the real time can be 2 hours for the production and half a hour for the consummation. For an more realistic graph, you can use the Apex Charts Card to set a table with a correction for this gap.

After install apexcharts-card, you can paste the "apexcharts.yaml" content in a empty card of your dashboard for this result.
