djmango / markdown-webview

A performant SwiftUI Markdown view.
MIT License
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MarkdownWebView is a surprisingly performant SwiftUI view that renders Markdown content.

I call it surprising because the underlying view is a WKWebView, yet a SwiftUI scroll view containing a bunch of MarkdownWebView still scrolls smoothly. A similar looking view built with native SwiftUI views doesn't have such performance (yet, hopefully).


Auto-adjusting View Height The view's height is always the content's height. Auto-adjusting View Height
Text Selection Text Selection
Dynamic Content
Syntax Highlighting Code syntax is automatically highlighted.

Supported Platforms


Add this package as a dependency.

See the article “Adding package dependencies to your app” to learn more.


Display Markdown Content

import SwiftUI
import MarkdownWebView

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var markdownContent = "# Hello World"

    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {

Customize Style

The view comes with a default style (CSS files) that suits many use cases.

You can also supply your own stylesheet by setting the customStylesheet parameter in the initializer.

import SwiftUI
import MarkdownWebView

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var markdownContent = "# Hello World"
    private let stylesheet: String? = try? .init(contentsOf: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "markdown", withExtension: "css")!)

    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            MarkdownWebView(markdownContent, customStylesheet: stylesheet)

Handle Links

The view opens links with the default browser by default.

You can handle link activations yourself by setting the onLinkActivation parameter in the initializer.

import SwiftUI
import MarkdownWebView

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var markdownContent = "# Hello"

    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
                .onLinkActivation { url in

Requirement for macOS Apps

The underlying web view loads an HTML string. For the package to work in a macOS app, enable the “Outgoing Connections (Client)” capability.

What it looks like in Xcode ![Outgoing Connections (Client)](


Portions of this package may utilize the following copyrighted material, the use of which is hereby acknowledged.