djpetti / MALLARD

Store image objects to MinIO object storage and metadata to MySQL database. Easily store and retrieve using metadata.
Apache License 2.0
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If you are interested in developing MALLARD, please see these instructions.

Deploying Locally

MALLARD can be deployed locally using Docker. The provided configuration contains everything you need to run a local instance of MALLARD, including a MariaDB database for metadata, and a MinIO object store for image data.


Compose files for MALLARD are generated interactively based on your chosen configuration. To generate a new compose file, run:

cookiecutter cookiecutter-docker/

You will be given the chance to specify the following options:

A docker-compose file will be created in the repository root, named based on the value you set for config_name. For instance, if you set config_name to "default", it will generate a docker-compose.default.yml file. To generate multiple configurations, you can re-run the cookiecutter command with different config_names.

Once you have the compose file, you can run the following to build the images and start the MALLARD services:

docker compose -f docker-compose.default.yml build
docker compose -f docker-compose.default.yml up

Initializing the Database

The first time you start MALLARD with docker-compose up, it creates a blank database. To actually use MALLARD, this database needs to be initialized with the proper tables. A script for doing this is conveniently included.

First, you will need to figure out the name of the gateway service container, using docker ps. Most likely, it will be mallard_gateway_1. Then, to initialize the database, run:

docker exec mallard-gateway-1 /

This only has to be done once, unless you delete the MALLARD Docker volumes. On subsequent restarts, you should be able to use MALLARD normally without this step.

Accessing the Application

The MALLARD application should be accessible on your local machine at https://localhost:8081 (or whatever you set host_port to). The MALLARD API should be accessible at https://localhost:8081/api/v1. To access a convenient interface that allows you to test the API manually, visit https://localhost:8081/api/v1/docs.

Backing Up

Any production deployment of MALLARD is likely going to need some mechanism to back up the data. MALLARD includes some functionality designed to simplify this. Currently, it only works with the default MinIO+MariaDB backend. To enable backups, use the following procedure:

  1. Generate your compose file with the backup configuration option set to true. (See this section.)
  2. Start the MALLARD server. After initialization completes, you should see a new sub-directory in the current folder called backups/. This directory allows for access to the data in the object store through s3fs. Additionally, the contents of the metadata DB will be automatically dumped to this folder once per day.
  3. Point your favorite backup tool at the backups/ directory.


Since the object store is mirrored through S3FS, restoring it should be trivial: just restore all the files into the original folder. Restoring the metadata involves accessing the latest DB dump (located in /backups/metadata/) and restoring it manually to MariaDB.


In the event that MALLARD is exposed on a public network, you will probably want some control over who has access to it. MALLARD currently supports user authentication through Fief. Note that, going forward, we will assume that you have installed and configured Fief and it is running at

MALLARD Configuration

The MALLARD config file must be updated to enable authentication. For a default (production) deployment, the local_config.yaml file will be used. Modify this file and rebuild the Docker container to change the configuration.

Under the security section, there is an enable_auth option that defaults to false. Instead, you will want to set it to true, and add the additional fief section that is present in the example config. Fill out the base_url and client_id parameters appropriately for your Fief configuration. The client_id can be found on the Fief admin page: fief_client_id

Fief Configuration

For authentication to work in Fief, you have to configure your client to allow all of the MALLARD redirect URIs. This can be done on the Fief admin page, in the "Clients" section, by clicking on the client you are using. It should open up a panel on the right with a list of redirect URIs. Click the "Edit Client" button at the bottom. fief_edit_client

This will open a modal where you can change the client settings. First of all, under "Type", select "Public". fief_client_type

Also, under "Redirect URIs", add the following new entries:

Note that you should change to whatever domain your MALLARD deployment is served at.