djstevenson / songs-to-the-siren

A blog about songs
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link


This has been replaced by a Swift-based static site generator, and this project is no longer maintained.

See instead:

The code behing the "Songs To The Siren" blog went live at Easter 2020. This WAS the code that manages the blog.


Create a dev database songstothesiren_development - deleting any existing content.

sh tools/

This drops the DB and re-creates it empty. The schema will be created when the app starts up.


TODO Insert instructions on using plenv/carton/etc to install deps.

Run app

carton exec -- morbo script/songs-to-the-siren

Optional overrides via the environment:


CSS stylesheets are written in SCSS. To covert to CSS, install the scss ruby gem and run (from the project's root dir):

scss --watch assets/songs-to-the-siren.scss:public/songs-to-the-siren.css

Full dev

The full comment for starting up a dev server with a new DB, that has a small amount of test data created already, is:

export MOJO_MODE=development ; \
export MOJO_LOG_LEVEL=debug ; \
export TEST_BCRYPT_COST=4 ; \
sh tools/initdb.$ ; \
carton exec -- script/songs-to-the-siren newadmin --name=admin --password=xyzzy; \
psql -Usongstothesiren songstothesiren_$MOJO_MODE < tools/$MOJO_MODE\_data.sql ; \
DBIC_TRACE=0 carton exec -- morbo script/songs-to-the-siren

Note, for 'test' and 'development' modes, this creates an admin user with the name 'admin' and password 'xyzzy'.

Test Server

Start up a test server with the same, but changing the mode, ie:

export MOJO_MODE=test ; \
export MOJO_LOG_LEVEL=debug ; \
export TEST_BCRYPT_COST=4 ; \
sh tools/initdb.$ ; \
carton exec -- script/songs-to-the-siren newadmin --name=admin --password=xyzzy; \
psql -Usongstothesiren songstothesiren_$MOJO_MODE < tools/$MOJO_MODE\_data.sql ; \
DBIC_TRACE=0 carton exec -- morbo script/songs-to-the-siren

To list routes

carton exec -- script/songs-to-the-siren routes

Rebuild deps

rm -rf local vendor cpanfile.snapshot ; carton install ; carton bundle


Unit tests for Perl code

To run the Perl unit test suite:

carton exec -- forkprove -MMoose -MDBIx::Class -MSongsToTheSiren -I. -j12 -lr t

(-j12 is the level of parallelism, you can change this depending on core count of your CPU. 12 seems to be a sweet spot for my 6-core laptop) functional tests

nvm use to load the right node.js

npm i to install

npx cypress open to open the test UI, ready for testing in Electron or Chrome

npx cypress run to run headless.


carton exec -- perlcritic --gentle -l --statistics lib/

The config is in .perlcriticrc, and follows the practices required by my $dayjob, which is basically the PBP book with a few tweaks.


Why do we need another blog engine / CMS?

We don't. It's just a demo app so I can show some code if/when looking for a new job. Which I'm not, at the moment. But you never know what's ahead.


MIT License (sic), see the LICENSE file.


David Stevenson