djsutherland / html-talk

Base for my talks using reveal.js, with bonus nice features (including browser/editor sync!)
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nodejs presentation pug reveal-js

A base for talks using reveal.js.



Using it

Edit slides.pug to write your slides. Pug syntax is relatively straightforward, and the examples there should get you most of the way through the basics; full docs are at

reveal.js configuration options are set in layout.pug, near the bottom. A few things of note here:

To build index.html from your slides, you have some options.

Boring way

npm run build will make index.html from slides.pug. (This just runs make; you can do that too.) You can then just open index.html in a browser. Everything should work there except for the timer in the speaker notes. This also puts you in for_web mode, unless you edit js/config.js yourself.

Web server

To get the speaker notes timer to work, run a webserver: npm run serve.


The livereload server uses node-livereload and chokidar to watch your filesystem for changes, rebuild (with make) when it sees anything change, then reload it in the browser. (It'll reload the full page for HTML changes, but pull in CSS and image changes without a reload.)

Run it with npm run watch. This will also run an HTTP server and the sync server (below) unless you tell it not to: npm run watch -- --http=false --sync=false. (The -- is needed to tell npm to pass the arguments along.) They don't really use substantial resources if you're not using them, though, so whatever.

Note that if you build the HTML file with livereload turned on, the page will pause in loading for a while if the livereload server isn't actually present. So run make clean-html if you're switching from a livereload build to a non-livereload build; this should be done automatically if you use the npm run build/etc commands.


This repo also includes SuperCool™ code for jumping from the browser to the relevant part of your editor, and from the editor to the browser. This is set up by default in npm run watch.

Browser to editor

When you run npm run watch, it needs to know what editor command to call. Set the environment variable TALK_EDITOR to tell it; current valid values are subl (for Sublime Text), atom, gvim, mvim, kate (default subl). Then, shift-command / shift-super / shift-control click somewhere in the webpage to run that command and jump to the nearest spot in the Pug source that we can figure out.

It's easy to add support for other editors (PRs welcome); check out the scrollEditorTo section of bin/serve.

Editor to browser

The core part of this is the bin/slide-to command, which when npm run watch is running will tell any webbrowsers to slide to the closest it can get to the passed line/column. (This is a little bit iffy for fragments defined inside MathJax, but we do our best guess.)

You'll want to configure your editor to call this:

If you want this in another editor: see if the Vim-type approach is possible. If not, you can either follow the approach like I did here with Sublime of calling bin/slide-to, or write an extension that makes a websocket call: slide-to without the error handling is just sending a single websocket message, and that might be easier for you to do directly.

Distributing a final version of the talk

If you want to distribute just the rendered talk, without the 100mb of dependencies to build it, npm run deploy will put a version in ./deployed.

Offline use

For fully offline use, install the fonts. On Mac, with homebrew:

You might be able to just have the web fonts cached, though, depending on your browser.