dkandalov / tab-shifter

Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA to move and split editor tabs
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Tab Shifter

Tab Shifter is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA with a bunch of actions to move tabs between editor splitters and resize splitters. Actions are added to Main Menu -> Window -> Tab Shifter.

MacOS shortcuts:

Linux/Windows shortcuts:

To move focus between splitters:

Of course, all the shortcuts can be changed in IDE Settings -> Keymap.


The main motivation for this plugin is to have an action which moves the current tab to the next split window (if there was no split window, create a new one). See this issue on youtrack.

There are built-in actions to split and move tabs (see Main Menu -> Window -> Editor Tabs) but, unfortunately, they don't do the right thing. In particular:


Plugin idea by Sandro Mancuso at SoCraTes UK 2013. Initially created using LivePlugin.