dkapur17 / streamlit-flow

Streamlit Component to quickly create Interactive Flow Diagrams using React Flow
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Streamlit Flow

Streamlit App

Build beautiful, interactive flow diagrams: Powered by React Flow, Simplified by Streamlit.

🎉 Version 1.2.8 is out now! 🎉

Introducing Markdown Support in Nodes! Now you are no longer limited to having text in your nodes. Use the features offered by Markdown and HTML to spice up your nodes.

Markdown Support in Node

The label attribute on the data property of SteamlitFlowNode has been replaced by the content attribute, which accepts as input a string that can be either plain text, markdown, or raw HTML. For extened support, the label attribute still works, but is internally reassigned to the content attribute, but label will be depricated in the next release.

Minor Changes


A demo for all these features can be found here.


pip install streamlit-flow-component

Running the example

Install the dependencies

git clone
cd streamlit-flow
npm install --prefix streamlit_flow/frontend

Run the frontent

On the first terminal, run from the root of the repository

cd streamlit_flow/frontend
npm start

Run this Example Streamlit App

On the second terminal, run from the root of the repository

streamlit run

Change log

Version 1.0.0

Version 0.6.0