dkettman / cs_lab

CS Lab Test
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Quick instructions!

Install latest stable version of:

List of things this does! (This is not an extensive list!)

Check out the files in cookbooks/cs_lab/recipies for the recipies. You can change SOME settings in cookbooks/cs_lab/attributes/default.rb, but don't go making too many changes.

Tested Providers

Provider OS Tested
VirtualBox Linux
VirtualBox Windows 10

In theory, this Vagrantfile should work on Virtualbox, Hyper-V, and VMware Workstation. I do not have VMware Workstation available to me, so I have not tested it. Hyper-V needs the network configuration worked out, but the VMs all install correctly and seem to work alright.

Quickly you said...

The short version is, once Vagrant and VirtualBox are installed, you can run vagrant up and it will go thru and build all of the defined boxes.

How do I access them?

The admin box is labeled in the (Vagrantfile) as the 'primary'. This makes accessing it easy! Just run vagrant rdp and it will automatically try to start your RDP client to access the primary server. Want to get on a different box? Run vagrant rdp <box>!


If you need to completely start over, you can run:

vagrant destroy

This command will delete all of the boxes that were created and are currently built. This WILL NOT delete the base boxes that are downloaded as part of the vagrant up process.

If you need to delete and rebuild a specific box, you can use:

vagrant destroy <box_name>

This will delete that single box from the environment. You can quickly re-build and re-provision it by running:

vagrant up <box_name>

If you would like to just re-run the provisioning because a recipe was updated or any other reason, just re-provision it without rebuilding:

vagrant provision <box_name>

Clean up!

If you want to completely rip all of this out, run the following commands, these should work for any provider.

vagrant destroy
vagrant box remove <box>

This will stop and delete all VMs then remove the base boxes to free up that disk space. Note, if you remove the boxes prior to destroying the VMs, they will not boot and Vagrant will more than likely be very cross with you.

Once that is done, you can remove this repository directory. You might go directly into VirtualBox or Hyper-V and make sure everything is cleaned up, but it should be fine.

Other things to look at

Here are some other interesting pages/documentation within this repository:

HyperV Notes

New-VMSwitch -Name NAT_vSwitch -SwitchType Internal new-netIPAddress -IPAddress -PrefixLength 24 -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (NAT_vSwitch)" new-netnat -Name CSLab -InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix