dkniffin / active_material

ActiveAdmin skin based on Google's Material Design
MIT License
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Make tabs background and border color configurable #62

Closed irmela closed 4 years ago

irmela commented 5 years ago

It would be nice to configure background and border colors for Tabs in case one doen't like the color that is defined by jquery-ui. I added some variables with a default value inherit so that this change would only apply when those variables are set.

Before After*
Tabs_before Tabs_after

* For the after screenshot I set the following values:

$am-tabs-btn-background-focus: #FFFFFF;
$am-tabs-btn-background: #FFFFFF;
$am-tabs-btn-border-color: #B3BCC1;
nhunzaker commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the delay. This is great, thanks!