dkniffin / active_material

ActiveAdmin skin based on Google's Material Design
MIT License
177 stars 69 forks source link
activeadmin activeadmin-themes material-design rails


An ActiveAdmin skin based on Google's Material Design.


Upgrading from v1 to v2

This activeadmin theme is entirely JS and CSS, and there is no custom ruby code. Therefore, since v2, active_material has been converted from a ruby gem to an npm/JS package. As part of this process, sprockets is also no longer supported.

To upgrade from v1 to v2, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the instructions above for "installation" to add the npm version
  2. Remove references to active_material in app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss. Any customizations should be moved over to wherever the new scss import is.
  3. Remove references to active_material in app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js.
  4. Remove the gem 'active_material' from your Gemfile (and run bundle install to update Gemfile.lock)