JWKTL (Java-based Wiktionary Library) is an application programming interface for the free multilingual online dictionary Wiktionary (https://www.wiktionary.org). Wiktionary is collaboratively constructed by volunteers and continually growing. JWKTL enables efficient and structured access to the information encoded in the English and German Wiktionary language editions, including sense definitions, part of speech tags, etymology, example sentences, translations, semantic relations, and many other lexical information types. The API was first described in an LREC 2008 paper.
Further information and documentation is available from the project homepage:
JWKTL is available as open source software under the Apache License 2.0 (ASL). The software thus comes "as is" without any warranty (see the license text for more details). JWKTL makes use of Berkeley DB Java Edition 5.0.73 (Sleepycat License), Apache Ant 1.7.1 (ASL), JUnit 4.12 (CPL), and Wikokit (New BSD license). For the respective third party licenses, see NOTICE.txt.
A more detailed description of Wiktionary and JWKTL is available in our scientific articles:
Please cite a JWKTL-related article if you use the software in your scientific work.
Prior to being available as open source software, JWKTL was a research project at the Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab of Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany under the auspices of Prof. Iryna Gurevych. Since being open source software, JWKTL is developed by multiple contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS.txt for details).
In case of any questions, please contact Christian M. Meyer.