A Layer to support CodeChecker as a frontent to clang static analysis
This layer exposes a bbclass and the recipes needed to support inclusion of the tooling. Note that meta-clang is a requirement.
To enable the layer within a single recipe, do add
inherit codechecker
INHERIT += "codechecker"
To generate a static HTML site as report do add:
To generate a codeclimate compatible report do add:
The output will be in tmp/deploy/CodeChecker/*
To upload the results to the CodeChecker webserver (e.g. docker container) add:
CODECHECKER_REPORT_HOST = "http://yourcodecheckerhost:8001/"
# ENDPOINT cannot have '.' or '+' or ' ' in the name !
# optionally have the endpoint created
Note: The URL of the product to store the results for, in the format of 'http[s]://]host:port/'. (default: localhost:8001/Default)
Note: this was tested against the docker container docker pull codechecker/codechecker-web:6.15.2
The output will be in:
check tmp/deploy/CodeChecker/*