dleval / OttoArduinoLib

Otto and Otto Lee Arduino driver library
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Otto Robot Arduino Library

License: GPL v3 version

:star: Star us on GitHub — it helps!

Based on the original Otto the robot project library : Otto DIY

:warning: This is not the original library. Programs written for the official OttoDIYLib library are not compatible.
The compatibility will be implemented in a future version.

Otto Robot

Table of content



Arduino NANO (or UNO)


Robot Include use
Otto "Otto.h"
Otto Lee "OttoLee.h"


It is possible to make a custom wiring. The examples provided use the following wiring:

Servos Pin
Left Leg or Wheel 2
Right Leg or Wheel 3
Left Foot 4
Right Foot 5
Left arm for Otto Lee 6
Right arm for Otto Lee 7
Head for Otto Lee 10
Ultrasonic Pin
Trigger 8
Echo 9
Buzzer Pin
Positive 13


Arduino IDE :

  1. Download the .zip here
  2. Open Arduino IDE, navigate to Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library. At the top of the drop down list, select the option to "Add .ZIP Library''.
  3. You will be prompted to select the library. Navigate to the .zip file's location, that you just downloaded and open it.
  4. Return to the Sketch > Include Library menu. menu. You should now see the library at the bottom of the drop-down menu. That means is ready to use example codes! for more details or other ways visit this link

Platform IO :

  1. Edit the "platformio.ini" file of your project.
  2. Add parameters:
    lib_deps =


Adding library

Add the header corresponding to the robot model at the start of the Arduino sketch.

Robot Otto :

#include <Otto.h>

Robot Otto Lee :

#include <OttoLee.h>

Configuration and object

When creating the robot control object, all the pins must be configured.
Example :

// Pinout configuration ------------------------------------------------
#define PIN_LEG_L         2   // Left leg servo
#define PIN_LEG_R         3   // Right leg servo
#define PIN_FOOT_L        4   // Left foot servo
#define PIN_FOOT_R        5   // Right foot servo
#define PIN_ARM_L         6   // Left arm servo
#define PIN_ARM_R         7   // Right arm servo
#define PIN_HEAD          10  // Head servo
#define PIN_Trigger       8   // Ultrasound distance sensor (Trigger)
#define PIN_Echo          9   // Ultrasound distance sensor (Echo)
#define PIN_NoiseSensor   A6
#define PIN_Buzzer        13  // Buzzer

// Otto driver object --------------------------------------------------
OttoLee otto(PIN_LEG_L, PIN_LEG_R, PIN_FOOT_L, PIN_FOOT_R, PIN_ARM_L, PIN_ARM_R, PIN_HEAD, PIN_NoiseSensor, PIN_Buzzer, PIN_Trigger, PIN_Echo);


When starting the program, the 'init' function must be called with the use of servomotor calibration as a parameter.
It is best to place the servomotors in their home position after initialization wwith 'home' function.

void setup() {

Predetermined Motion Functions

Many preconfigured movements are available in the library:

Example for movements of 10 jumps:



Otto can emit several sounds with the 'sing' function.


List of pre-recorded sounds:

It is possible to emit ons like the famous R2D2 robot with the 'r2d2' function.


The library also includes two songs: Silent Night and Tetris.


Distance Sensor

The 'getDistance' function allows the use of the ultrasonic sensor.

float distance;
distance = otto.getDistance();

How to Contribute

Contributing to this software is warmly welcomed. There are 3 ways you can contribute to this project:

  1. Test and if find a problem then post an issue.
  2. Helps us solve the issues or other bugs by commenting
  3. Bring missing libraries from other Otto remixes here. You can do this basically by forking, committing modifications and then pulling requests. Please add a change log and your contact into file header.

Thanks for your contribution.


The OttoArduinoLib Library is licensed under the terms of the GPL Open Source license and is available for free.
