dlr-eoc / prosEO

prosEO – A Processing System for Earth Observation Data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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prosEO – the Processing System for Earth Observation Data


The “prosEO” software system is an open-source processing control system is designed to perform all activities required to process Earth Observation satellite data (e. g. Sentinel data), generating user-level data, engineering data and/or housekeeping telemetry data as desired by a configured mission. The technical infrastructure used to deliver the Production Service is a cloud-native multi-mission infrastructure by design, with strict separation of competences and concerns.

A full description of the design approach can be found on the prosEO Wiki.


prosEO is licensed under the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3.

Build from source code

To build prosEO from source code, the following prerequisites must be met:

To test your development environment, change into the prosEO project directory (the directory, where this README file resides) and run

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

A project setup for Eclipse is beyond the scope of this documentation.


prosEO is a very complex system, therefore no single installer can be provided. A deployment guide on the Wiki will be added in due course.


All documentation can be found on the prosEO Wiki.


prosEO is currently developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) together with Dr. Bassler & Co. Managementberatung (BCM) and Prophos Informatik. For contributions to the project please contact tangobravo62. For support requests, please contact prosEO-support@drbassler.de.