dlr-gtlab / intelligraph-module

A Node-based Workflow Engine for GTlab
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A GTlab module to enable the creation of graph-based workflow.

Screenshot of a Intelligraph workflow

Based on QtNodes

IntelliGraph is based on QtNodes by paceholder et al. (version 2.2.2). QtNodes was adapted and extended in various ways to deeply integrated a graph-based workflow into the GTlab Framework.

Following high-level features were added and changes were made:


The largest portion of the code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.

Smaller thirdparty party code part of code base uses other permissive licenses, such as the BSD and MIT licenses. Please review the directory LICENSES and .reuse for a full overview on all licensed used.

Compiling from Source


A working GTlab installation is required. This includes GTlab and the GTlab Logging library. In addition, the Qt toolkit need to be installed to build the intelligraph module.

Library Version Bundled Where to get
Qt 5.15.x No https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/
GTlab Core + Logging >= 2.0 No https://github.com/dlr-gtlab/gtlab-core


The intelligraph module requires a recent CMake (>3.15) to build. The configuration and build process is similar to other CMake builds:

cmake -S . -B build_dir -DQt5_DIR=<path/to/cmake/Qt5> -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path/to/gtlab_install> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path/to/gtlab_install>
cmake --build build_dir
cmake --build build_dir --target install