dlvlj / form-generator-vue

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Create beautiful forms using any component library for vue.


## Props
| schema | obj | json schema to create form |
| components | obj | component map to render component for specific type of field |
| onSubmit | async/sync function | submit success function |
| onSubmitFail | async/sync function | submit fail function.|
| disabled | Bool | toggle disable all fields |
| activeValidation | bool | toggle validation on input for all fields. Default is **false** |
| activeValidationDelay | Number | debounced validation for all fields|
| logs | bool | toggle validation and submit logs |
| classes | obj | To add classes to all the rows and columns inside form body |

## field schema Options
| options | type | default | purpose |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ----- |
| model | String |  | v-model with component.|
| type | String | 'text' | Input type. Component for it is loaded from `components`. |
| props| obj | {} | Component props |
| hide | bool/() => bool | false | show/hide field. Not required when hidden |
| v-on | obj | {} | Assigned to component `v-on`. |
|validator | () => //return error data | | function returning error data(string, array etc) on validation fail. |
| component | String |  | for using any component |
| errorProp | String | 'errorMessages' | name of error prop consumed by component to show error |
| activeValidation | Boolean | false | toggle validation on input |
| activeValidationDelay | Number | 0 | debounced validation |

## Layout
Row is a div containing column div containing the component. A row can have multiple cols. Nested rows are not supported.
fields: [   // 1 row 1 column -------
                model: 'name',
                type: 'text'
            // 1 row 1 column -------
                model: 'email',
                type: 'email'

            // 1 row 2 columns -------   
                    model: 'mobile',
                    type: 'number'
                    model: 'password',
                    type: 'password'


slot prop model is passed to all slots except for slots header and footer.

classes used


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. Contribute.
