dmac / spin

Write RESTful web apps in Racket.
MIT License
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Write RESTful web apps in Racket.

Spin layers some convenience functions on top of Racket's built-in web server to simplify defining routes and route handlers.


From the command line, run raco pkg install to install the package.


Define routes with one of get, post, put, patch, delete and pass it the route string and a handler function.

#lang racket

(require (planet dmac/spin))

(get "/"
  (lambda () "Hello!"))



Your handler function will be passed the request object if an argument is specified.

It can be given to the params function along with a key to search for values in the query-string, post-body, or url.

(get "/hi" (lambda (req)
  (string-append "Hello, " (params req 'name) "!")))
$ curl "http://localhost:8000/hi?name=Charlotte"
Hello, Charlotte!
$ curl "http://localhost:8000/hi" -X POST -d "name=Anansi"
Hello, Anansi!

Retrieve params from the url string itself:

(get "/hi/:name" (lambda (req)
  (string-append "Hello, " (params req 'name) "!")))
$ curl "http://localhost:8000/hi/Peter"
Hello, Peter!


Your handler function need only return a string to render. You can easily use existing templating libraries with Spin.


(require web-server/templates)

(get "/template" (lambda (req)
  (define name (params req 'name))
  (include-template "index.html")))



    <p>Hello, @|name|!</p>
$ curl "http://localhost:8000/template?name=Aragog"
    <p>Hello, Aragog!</p>

Advanced Responses

In addition to the response body, you can specify response status and custom headers if you return a list instead of a string from your handler:

(get "/headers" (lambda ()
  (define h (header #"Custom-Header" #"Itsy bitsy"))
  `(201 (,h) "Look for the custom header!")))

Response Makers

Response makers are middleware that transform a response before it is sent to the client.

A global default response maker can be defined by passing it to the run function:

(define (json-404-response-maker status headers body)
  (response status
            (status->message status)
            #"application/json; charset=utf-8"
            (let ([jsexpr-body (case status
                                 [(404) (string->jsexpr
                                         "{\"error\": 404, \"message\": \"Not Found\"}")]
                                 [else body])])
              (lambda (op) (write-json (force jsexpr-body) op)))))

(run #:response-maker json-404-response-maker)

It is also possible to define new handler types that use different response makers:

(define (json-response-maker status headers body)
  (response status
            (status->message status)
            #"application/json; charset=utf-8"
            (let ([jsexpr-body (string->jsexpr body)])
              (lambda (op) (write-json (force jsexpr-body) op)))))

(define (json-get path handler)
  (define-handler "GET" path handler json-response-maker))

(json-get "/json" (lambda (req)
  "{\"body\":\"JSON GET\"}"))
