Web application to utilize projections (either scraped from Yahoo! or custom-made) and provide recommendations with drafting and trading in Fantasy Football.
Users will have the opportunity to sign up and configure their fantasy teams. Upon doing so, they'll have access to "Draft Central", an AngularJS-based tool that helps throughout the user's draft by identifying the most valuable players at any given point in the draft.
We use a unique formula based on projections, ADP, VORP/scarcity, and the user's current roster needs to determine value during each and every pick in the draft. This helps users make optimal decisions.
Yahoo! player projections <tr.?<a href=\"http:\/\/sports.yahoo.com\/nfl\/players\/(\d+)\".?>([ A-Za-z-.\']+)<\/a>.?<td.?class=\"Alt Fw-b Ta-end Nowrap Selected\".?>(<a.?>)?([\d.]+)(<\/a>)?<\/td>.*?<\/tr>
Yahoo! team projections <tr.?<a href=\"http:\/\/sports.yahoo.com\/nfl\/teams\/(\w+)\".?>([ A-Za-z-.\']+)<\/a>.?<td.?class=\"Alt Fw-b Ta-end Nowrap Selected\".?>(<a.?>)?([\d.]+)(<\/a>)?<\/td>.*?<\/tr>