dmagda / pg-compute-node

A client-side PostgreSQL extension that lets you execute JavaScript functions on the database directly from the application logic.
Apache License 2.0
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database javascript nodejs postgresql

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PgCompute: a Client-Side PostgreSQL Extension for Database Functions

PgCompute is a client-side PostgreSQL extension that lets you execute JavaScript functions on the database directly from the application logic.

This means you can create, optimize, and maintain database functions similarly to the rest of the application logic by using your preferred IDE and programming language.

Quick Example

Imagine you have the following function in your Node.js app:

function sum(a, b) {
    let c = a + b;
    return c;

Now, suppose you want this function to run on PostgreSQL. Simply pass it to the PgCompute API like this:

const dbClient = // an instance of the node-postgres module's Client or Pool.

// Create and configure a PgCompute instance
let compute = new PgCompute();
await compute.init(dbClient);

// Execute the `sum` function on the database
let result = await, sum, 1, 2);
console.log(result); // prints `3`

By default, PgCompute operates in DeploymentMode.AUTO mode. This mode ensures a JavaScript function is automatically deployed to the database if it doesn't exist. Additionally, if you modify the function's implementation in your source code, PgCompute will handle the redeployment.

Note: PgCompute relies on plv8 extension of PostgreSQL. This extension enables JavaScript support within the database and must be installed prior to using PgCompute.

Getting Started

Follow this guide to create a functional example from scratch.

First, start a PostgreSQL instance with the plv8 extensions. Let's use Docker:

  1. Start a Postgres instance with plv8:

    mkdir ~/postgresql_data/
    docker run --name postgresql \
    -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \
    -p 5432:5432 \
    -v ~/postgresql_data/:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d sibedge/postgres-plv8
  2. Connect to the database and enable the plv8 extension:

    psql -h -U postgres
    create extension plv8;

Next, create a Node.js project:

  1. Initialize the project:
    npm init
  2. Install the pg and pg-compute modules:
    npm install pg
    npm install pg-compute

Next, create the index.js file with the following logic:

  1. Import node-postgres with PgCompute modules and create a database client configuration:

    const { Client, ClientConfig } = require("pg");
    const { PgCompute } = require("pg-compute");
    const dbEndpoint = {
        host: "localhost",
        port: 5432,
        database: "postgres",
        user: "postgres",
        password: "password"
  2. Add a function that needs to be executed on the Postgres side:
    function sum(a, b) {
        let c = a + b;
        return c;
  3. Add the following snippet to instantiate Client and PgCompute objects and to execute the sum function on Postgres:

    (async () => {
        // Open a database connection
        const dbClient = new Client(dbEndpoint);
        await dbClient.connect();
        // Create and configure a PgCompute instance
        let compute = new PgCompute();
        await compute.init(dbClient);
        let result = await, sum, 1, 2);
        console.log("Result:" + result);
        await dbClient.end();
  4. Run the sample:

    node index.js
    // Result:3

Finally, give a try to the auto-redeployment feature:

  1. Change the sum implementation as follows:
    function sum(a, b) {
        return (a + b) * 10;
  2. Restart the app, the function will be redeployed and a new result will be printed out to the terminal:

    node index.js
    // Result:30

More Examples

Explore the examples folder for more code samples:

To start any example:

  1. Import all required packages:
    npm i
  2. Start an example:
    node {example_name.js}

Note, the examples include the PgCompute module from sources. If you'd like to run the examples as part of your own project, then import the module form the npm registry:

const { PgCompute, DeploymentMode } = require("pg-compute");


PgCompute uses Jest and Testcontainers for testing.

So, if you decide to contribute to the project:

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