dmamontov / asynctask

AsyncTask enables proper and easy use of the thread. This class allows to perform background operations and publish results on the thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers.
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OBSOLETE. The current class is available at the following link.


AsyncTask enables proper and easy use of the thread. This class allows to perform background operations and publish results on the thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers. More information.



1) Install composer

2) Follow in the project folder:

composer require dmamontov/asynctask ~1.0.5

In config composer.json your project will be added to the library dmamontov/asynctask, who settled in the folder vendor/. In the absence of a config file or folder with vendors they will be created.

If before your project is not used composer, connect the startup file vendors. To do this, enter the code in the project:

require 'path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

Example of work

class TestTask extends AsyncTask
    protected function onPreExecute()

    protected function doInBackground($parameters)
        return $parameters;

    protected function onPostExecute($result)
        echo $result;

$task = new TestTask();