This repository is a collection of hacks and utils for reverse engineering program memory
source code divided into .\projects\ and .\src
- tf-external-hack.exe - hack for TankForce game (F9 - toggle infinity health and ammo, F8 - freeze Z coordinate, needs optimization, F10 - quit)
- dll-injector.exe - attempt to make dll injector
.\dll-injector\dll-injector.exe --target ac_client.exe --lib "C:\{{PATH}}\ac-internal-hack.dll"
- ac-external-hack.exe - hack for Assault Cube (F9 - toggle infinity health and ammo, F8 - interrupt)
- ac-internal-hack.dll - internal hack for Assault Cube, inject using aly dll injector (F9 - toggle infinity health and ammo, F10 - quit)
How to work using any text editor
install msvc 2019 enterprise or community
install ninja build system
choco install ninja
install package manager for C++
cd memhax
git clone
install dependencies
.\vcpkg\vcpkg.exe install
then refer to specific README in .\projects{{project_name}}\
- implement kernel mode driver for reading/writing process memory
- implement dll-injector manual mapping
- optimize signature scan - scan for multiple signature in one scan (signature pool)
- improve ac-hack - refactor, fix reltive jump
- optimize dll-injector work
- add dll-injector protection from idiot
- figure out direct3d hooking
- create UI
- make build cross-platform (Ansible)