Methods to allow for easy implementation of complex training schedules that involve adapting the population size, # of "mutations", etc., based on the network performance. In addition, it would be necessary to have methods to increase or decrease the difficulty of the task depending upon the network performance.
[x] model change scheduling mechanism for ModelReplicator (i.e. update of setRandomModifications)
[x] model training hyper parameter mechanisms for ModelTrainer (i.e., updates of n_epochs, solver parameters, time-steps during back propogation, etc.)
[x] population training hyper parameter mechanisms for PopulationTrainer (i.e., n_top, n_random, and n_replicates_per_model)
Methods to allow for easy implementation of complex training schedules that involve adapting the population size, # of "mutations", etc., based on the network performance. In addition, it would be necessary to have methods to increase or decrease the difficulty of the task depending upon the network performance.
, andn_replicates_per_model