dmdorman / hero6e-foundryvtt

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Combat skill level on compound powers cannot be used #1007

Closed tthomsen closed 1 month ago

tthomsen commented 1 month ago

Weapons built as compound powers are not using the combat skill levels they are built with. I'm not sure how much of a major issue it would be to fix this, but it would be nice if the CSLs would be included.

The character already has 4 CSLs. Which is what is displayed on the screenshot. However the two from the sword are not being applied. So the total should be 6. sword csl

From hero designer you can see the sword has 2 CSLs: Compound powers and combat skill levels

However, the weapon's CSLs are showing on the skills tab. For some reason under weaponsmith: Compound powers and skills card

The box is checked, but the CSLs are not being apply to the attack: Sword accuracy

Like I said, I'm not sure how much of an issue this would be to fix, but as a stop gap you could always bring back modifying OCV and DCV for the attack power.

aeauseth commented 1 month ago

@tthomsen I'm pretty sure I have this fixed. Mind attaching Rollos.HDC so I can confirm?

tthomsen commented 1 month ago

Here you go.

aeauseth commented 1 month ago

@tthomsen I see 2 pts of CSL plus Deadly Blow in the dev build. This appears to be correct. Am I missing anything?


tthomsen commented 1 month ago

Let me check on my end. Maybe I'm missing something.

tthomsen commented 1 month ago

Okay it looks like you didn't assign his CSLs to the sword. The screen shot show 4 from the characters CSLs but not the +2 from the weapon itself.


aeauseth commented 1 month ago

Tweaked CSL & Deadly Blow descriptions so it is more obvious which CSL/etc is being used. Note that we do not currently support multiple CSL's on a single attack (something for the future).


tthomsen commented 1 month ago

Good to know. For now we can just add them in manually. As always thank you for everything you do.