dmdorman / hero6e-foundryvtt

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Hero System 6e (Unofficial) v2

Forked from Hero System 6e (Unofficial)

This system is for playing the sixth edition of the Hero System using FoundryVTT.

HERO SystemTM ® is DOJ, Inc.'s trademark for its roleplaying system. HERO System Copyright © 1984, 1989, 2002, 2009 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Fantasy Hero © 2003, 2010 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Star Hero © 2003, 2011 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. All DOJ trademarks and copyrights used with permission. For further information about Hero Games and the HERO System, visit

Support can be found by creating a new issue, starting a new discussion or on the Hero-Champions-RPG (unofficial) Foundry-vtt Discord Channel.

We have a YouTube channel with some how to videos. ​


This system is a work in progress. The following features are supported

Character Sheet


Custom maneuvers show under attacks. Basic maneuvers are shown in the maneuver's tab. The ones that are actions (and behave like an attack) have a roll icon and behave like an attack. Set/Brace/Haymaker are toggles and enhance other attacks.

Attack Automation

Other Automation

System Options

Manual Rolling

Sometimes you just need to manually roll the dice and you don't want to count the number of STUN and BODY on a 167d6 atomic bomb that your heroes failed to defuse. For such occasions the system has the /heroRoll chat command. It's syntax is similar to the FoundryVTT /roll command but with minimal support multiple terms.

/heroRoll <roll to perform><optional flavour of dice roll>

Roll to Perform

The command supports the typical combinations of rolls you might be asked to do in the Hero System such as 7d6, 7d6-1, 2d6+1, or 7.5d6 (aka seven and a half dice).

Optional Flavour of Dice Roll

The command supports rolling all the expected types of rolls as you would expect from the system making a similar roll as a part of the automation:

Optional Hit Location

Prefacing the the flavour with an h will give you a roll with hit locations. So [hk] will give you a killing attack with hit locations being rolled. Hit location side will be rolled if you have it configured. You probably won't want to roll with a hit location if the command shouldn't support it (e.g. success with hit location).


A nasty roll you don't want to be hit with

Known Limitations


The following modules have been successfully tested for compatibility. They are also recommended.

5th Edition Support

This is a 6E framework, however 5E is very similar to 6E and with a few minor changes you may be able to play a 5E game. A 5E character is detected when you upload a HDC file using one of the 5E Hero Designer character templates.

Frequently Asked Questions and GM suggestions

  1. The Actor Sheet doesn't match HD.
    • Try uploading the HDC file again.
  2. How do you set a toggle power to default to off after HDC upload?
    • In HD set "Totaling Options" to "Do not add to Totals".
  3. How do you get automation to determine hit or miss?
    • Click the target of your attack. Press 't' to select target. Open attacker's character sheet. Click dice icon next to attack. The chat cards should show a hit/miss. If it is a hit then the damage card will have a button to apply damage to your target.
    • You can select multiple targets with shift-t.
  4. I'm unable to change a Characteristics Max number.
    • You likely have a power that is modifying the Max number. Turn that power off, make the change to Max, then turn power back on.
  5. Is there a way to change measuring distance to 1" for 5e campaigns?
    • You can change it scene by scene by opening the scene settings -> grid then edit 'Grid Scale'
  6. Marking a token as dead marks all identical tokens as dead. #247
    • You need to turn off Link Actor Data in the actor Prototype Token or Token screen.
    • Named actors can have tokens on several scenes, and by default their properties are linked to the master actor. So as you move from scene to scene their STUN/BODY/Statuses and all other properties remain the same.
    • Generic actors should have their link actor data unchecked, which allows you to make distinct changes to the tokens, those changes do not affect the master actor. There are also options on the Prototype token to add a number or adjective to the token name.













