dmdorman / hero6e-foundryvtt

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Importing .hdp file #1067

Closed sevrick closed 16 hours ago

sevrick commented 1 week ago

So I know how to import a .hdc file but how do you import a .hdp file. Am I not seeing it or is not a feature yet?

aeauseth commented 1 week ago

You can't currently import prefabs (*.hdp) files. I'll add this to the features list. It would import into the items right sidebar. From there you could drag them into actors. This is part of improved in game editing, which is a longer term endeavor.

aeauseth commented 1 week ago

A temporary work around: you can create a HDC file with your prefeb items, then drag those items into the item sidebar.

sevrick commented 1 week ago

I bought the HSEG HD files from the offical site. They packaged them as a .hdp. What I did was export them as a package then make a new character and import the package. It's rather convoluted but it works.

aeauseth commented 16 hours ago

You can now upload HDP files as a compendium. Feature available in next version (3.0.80).

