dmdorman / hero6e-foundryvtt

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The Compound Power Situation... #1111

Closed sevrick closed 3 days ago

sevrick commented 3 days ago

So we can now drag a compound power from a character sheet into a folder that sets up an automatic folder structure.

However the compound powers in the folder seems to have broken the structure of the compound power to no longer act as it should. You can't transfer a compound power equipment from 1 PC to another. Also the new hero designer prefab import doesn't work with the new way of moving compound powers around.

The bottom line is there needs to be a way you can move a compound power around without it being broken up into pieces. Unless there is a button that lets you choose what you want to add back into it.

If this was meant to only be part of the implementation and refinement is coming, then feel free to ignore this post.

Thanks for all your hard work. I nag because I care. :)

aeauseth commented 3 days ago

I worked on this today and made several improvements that will be part of the next/3.0.81 release. I think the drag from actor to actor is fixed. So are compound powers in a framework. Not sure about the prefab upload as I don't have a complicated prefab to test with.

sevrick commented 3 days ago

Oh crap I feel like an idiot. lol Most of what I said can be ignored. I was looking at the attacks tab when I drug it over. It was adding everything correctly it seems. Even dragging the folder worked.

The only thing that still needs work is the .hdp compatibility with the new rule. What happens is when I open the .hdp compendium it show the weapon that is a compound power but contains no info when dragged onto a pc.

Sorry my bad. Looks awesome btw now that I know what hell I am doing haha.

aeauseth commented 3 days ago

Yup, I confirmed that a combo power within a framework is not loading correctly into the prefab compendium. I'm looking into that.

aeauseth commented 3 days ago

Next release should handle complex prefabs.




sevrick commented 3 days ago

You are the best keep up the great work.