dmitmatveev / data_analytics-math_python_pandas

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data_analytics_task.ipynb at nbviewer license python

The test is directed to check knowledge of Higher Maths (1), basic Python definitions (2) and usage of python libs for data analytics. I'm enough-experienced python-developer, so parts (1) and (3) are more interesting to measure the experience.

Main python-packages used for (3): pandas, plotly. Additional: itertools, PIL.

Also, I tried:

  • Makefile creating;
  • using of pipenv for virtual environment;
  • DataSpell IDE;
  • several GitHub pretties (tagging by SemVer, issues, issue_templates, Pull Requests, releases);
  • Git-stuff (branching, merging, merge conflicts solving, cherry-picking, rebasing);
  • nbdime for git-diff comparing of the .ipynb-files
  • KaTeX for writing math-formulas and math-equation inside of the Notion (see Test (1) below).


See for the info: installing is pretty-simple ;)


See TODOs, recommendations

(3) Data Analytics Test - Pandas/Plotly

See task description and task solution at - data_analytics_task.ipynb (with support of interactive plotly-plots, this also available by the badge data_analytics_task.ipynb at nbviewer (click on it))

Original source (but without plotly-plots visual): data_analytics_task.ipynb

To save visual plotly-plot and to be able to see them in GitHub - re-run the code with PLOTLY_PLOT_SHOW_TYPE='svg', defined in the one of the first code-cells. @dmitmatveev

(1) Higher Maths Test

Notion - Test 1 - Higher Math

(2) Basic Python Definitions Test

Notion - Test 2 - Python Basic Definitions

Get Started

To run the jupyter-notebook via jupyter you can simply use Makefile and do:


or (via jupyter-lab)

make run-lab

⚠️Note: this will install jupyter/jupyter-lab in global user-venv and install pipenv with the project-dependencies. Don't worry, using of the pipenv is pretty simple and easy.

However, if you need, for more precise installing see and other target-options of the Makefile.

For further developing and IDE recommendations - see