dmleach / recroot

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Currently in development. Recroot is a scheduling application that will enable users to schedule gameplay in tandem with other users at conventions. Utilizes Cordova, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, & CSS


  1. Clone the repository to a web server
  2. In a web browser, navigate to the /www directory
  3. You should see the Cordova "Hello world" page with the message "Connecting to device"

Adding React

  1. In Terminal (or CL program of choice) navigate to the recroot directory.
  2. Create a new React app in the main recroot folder using
    npm install -g create-react-app
    create-react-app recroot
  3. This will create a new recroot folder in the Cordova recroot folder. Clear all the contents of the www folder in the main recroot folder.
  4. cd into the newly created recroot folder & open package.json
  5. Before dependencies add "homepage": "./", & inside scripts change the value of build to "react-scripts build && robocopy .\build ..\www /MIR",
  6. npm run build will create a build of the react app and at the same time copy the files into the Cordova www folder

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