dmoll1974 / targets-io

Performance test dashboard
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 5 forks source link


Performance test dashboard

Dashboard app for organizing, analyzing, benchmarking and reporting of test results of performance tests executed with Gatling Tool, JMeter or LoadRunner (see LR2Graphite and LRLauncher). The load related metrics are stored in Graphite together with for instance resource usage metrics of the application under test. Any metric stored in Graphite can be benchmarked between test runs, to provide automated assertions on the performance of an application when running tests from a continuous integration pipeline.

Automated test result analysis and benchmarking

The targets-io dashboard can automatically benchmark test results to prevent you from spending a lot of time analysing your continuous performance test runs. The dashboard does the following benchmarks:

The requirements / benchmark thresholds can be set on any of the metrics you have configured in your dashboard. The consolidated test run results are exposed via a REST API and can be used to pass or fail your build in your CI server.


To set up a local demo environment take the following instruction steps for Linux Ubuntu:


Another approach is to use Vagrant and VirtualBox to create a virtual machine. This way the setting up of the environment is completely automated. You can use the following steps:

shortcut using curl: curl -O && vagrant up

The end result will be 9 started docker containers:

Container Description Exposed port
targets-io Performance dashboard application 80
mongodb Database to store dashboard configurations 27017
graphite Time based series database 8070
jenkins CI server to start demo scripts 8080
mean Demo application to run performance tests against 3001
redis Used for caching calls to Graphite -
logstash Used for parsing Gatling logs -
graylog Used for browsing Targets-io, demo app and Gatling logs 8090
elasticsearch Used by Graylog -

Open the targets-io performance dashboard via


First restore the pre-configured demo dashboard configurations via the menu in the right top of the screen

Select the configuration file from the repo (targets-io/demo/targets-io-demo.json) and click "upload me". After reloading the page you should see one "Product": "MEAN"

To start one of the demo scripts open the Jenkins console


Log in using the credentials admin/targets-io

Assertions demo

To see a demo of the automated assertion of benchmark results of a test run, start the TARGETS-IO-GATLING-DEMO job (click "Build now"). This will trigger the Gatling demo script

Graylog integration demo

In the demo environment the Gatling logs are parsed by Logstash and send to Graylog (and Graphite). The demo application also sends logs to Graylog, so you can correlate errors in Gatling to errors logged in the application. In order to do this you have to manually enable a listener in Graylog:

To correlate Gatling and application errors use the following search query:

type:gatling_log AND facility:MEAN

You can also drilldown from Targets-io to Graylog from the Gatling - errors tab in the graphs view for a test run.

JMeter integration demo

The TARGETS-IO-JMETER-DEMO job triggers the JMeter demo script to demo how to integrate a JMeter script in the framework.

LoadRunner integration demo

The TARGETS-IO-LOADRUNNER-DEMO job triggers the LoadRunner TruClient demo script to demo how to integrate a LoadRunner script in the framework. This requires a Windows Jenkins Agent to be connected as "LOADRUNNER-SLAVE". Please refer to the LR2Graphite documentattion on how to setup this machine.

Update your demo environment

The targets-io image on Docker hub is updated frequently. To deploy the latest version in your demo environment, use sudo docker-compose stop targetsio, sudo docker-compose pull targetsio and sudo docker-compose up -d to update!


Wiki (in progress)

Libraries / Dependencies
