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unique permission for /eject #23

Closed MithrandirCraft closed 9 years ago

MithrandirCraft commented 9 years ago

I would love to give the permission for /eject to all players on my server, but only the permission for /ride & /unride to vip players.

Could a unique permission be added for /eject? ex: ''srpg.eject''

MithrandirCraft commented 9 years ago

Another question. What is the /match command used for? Maybe it's used for another dependency? I've seen somewhere I can disactivate commands, I'd like to disactivate this one if there isn't any use for it. No one seem's to find use for it on my server.

MithrandirCraft commented 9 years ago

Returning to the original request. I've been giving the ''srpg.ride'' permission to one of my moderators, and after reloading PEX, he cannot ride on top of me, furthermore, a message tells him he does not have the permission.

This might get fixed after a server restart, but still, I do have all permissions and the command works fine for me, a message tells me I have to click the entity I want to ride, so I try right clicking and nothing occurs, then left click, also shift click, and nothing. Am I doing something wrong?

dmulloy2 commented 9 years ago

Eject has always had a separate permission: srpg.eject

MithrandirCraft commented 9 years ago

This is how you have it set on the plugin page (you should fix it if it's wrong):

/ride Ride another player srpg.ride /unride Get off a player srpg.ride /eject Kick a player off your head srpg.ride

Players wiht ''srpg.ride'' are unable to use the /ride command

I try to use this command and it seem's to work, but I get a message telling me to click the entity I want to ride, I try clicking in any way possible but I still can't ride.

dmulloy2 commented 9 years ago

I don't really update BukkitDev much anymore, especially with Bukkit's recent issues. Really the best permission documentation is found here:

Just for clarification: ride: description: Get on a player's head usage: /ride [player] permission: srpg.ride

eject: description: Remove a player from your head usage: /eject permission: srpg.eject

MithrandirCraft commented 9 years ago

The /match command is not included on the link you have given me. I'm still clueless as to what it does, unless it's for finding player names with similar keyword?

I can guarantee you that the /ride command is broken, at least in spigot 1.7.10 As I said, I've given permissions to all players now, and none appear to have the permission when they try to use the command on itself. Also, when I use it as admin, all I do is get teleported to the player I specify, without riding him.

dmulloy2 commented 9 years ago

The /match command was removed like six months ago... What version are you using?

MithrandirCraft commented 9 years ago

I'm using the latest on bukkit. I'll check your latest dev.

MithrandirCraft commented 9 years ago

Ok. Now I'm using the latest dev, and various errors have indeed dissapeared (like an issue with the level ranking I did not mention, and /match command removal.).

I can now ride on players... it's a bit faulty but I get teleported to a player at first, I don't seem to be riding this player, but after a while I appear on his head (slowless could be due to lag, who knows...). But why am I getting teleported from such far distances to the player? Does that only happen with me because I'm OP? or is it just normal? This could be really exploitable in pvp...

Then I give the permission ''srpg.ride'' to one of my moderators, and the permission /eject to everyone. I confirm he has both permissions and ask him to use the command: /ride Mithrandir he tells me he recieves an insuficient permission message: ''Error: you do not have permission to perform this command!''

When I tell him to try eject, He gets no error and can use the command perfectly.

dmulloy2 commented 9 years ago

The permission system is fine, check for any negations or conflicts. The only way to effectively ride players is to teleport to them first, then ride. I would imagine it's very exploitable in pvp, which is why I don't give it to regular members.

MithrandirCraft commented 9 years ago

Ok. If that is how this feature works, I'll be disabling it too. Problem solved. Thanks for the help :)