dmulloy2 / SwornRPG

The mcMMO alternative!
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 3 forks source link
bukkit java minecraft mmorpg spigot


SwornRPG is a lightweight and fully-featured alternative to mcMMO. It is based upon a leveling system in which daily tasks such as farming, fighting players and mobs, enchanting, taming, and being on the server yield experience. As with any good leveling system, SwornRPG awards players with items and money (both of which are configurable) each time they gain enough experience to level up! Players also receive increased ability times and greater chances for many of SwornRPG's extra features! Players can check their xp and level using /level and check the leaderboard with /srpg top.

Thanks for over 12,000 downloads!!!


Command Description Permission
/srpg SwornRPG root command
/a Admin only chat srpg.adminchat
/hc High Council chat srpg.council
/ride Ride another player srpg.ride
/unride Get off a player srpg.ride
/eject Kick a player off your head srpg.ride
/asay Send a colored message to the server srpg.asay
/iname Set the name of the item in your hand srpg.iname
/hat Puts the item in your hand on your head srpg.hat
/iname Set the name of your in-hand item srpg.iname
/levelr Reset a player's level srpg.levelr
/abilities Check ability levels
/frenzy Level based strength ability
/mine Super pickaxe based on level
/ammo Unlimited ammo based on level (Requires SwornGuns)
/level Check your level
/match Match a string with a player
/staff List online staff with permission srpg.staff
Marriage See here


This plugin allows for the salvaging of used armor. Salvaging the used armor gives the player SOME of the ingots back, but it is designed to be inefficient. For example: If you salvage a full set of unused diamond armor, you will only get 20 diamonds back (using the config defaults). If the armor is used, the plugin calculates how many ingots the player should receive based on what you defined in the configuration.

Other Features


Permission Description Inheritance
srpg.* Allows access to all SwornRPG features! All
srpg.moderator Allows access to features meant for moderators Guard
srpg.guard Allows access to features meant for guards/lower staff Member

Individual nodes can be found here


Soft Dependencies

These plugins are not required but add some functionality to SwornRPG.

Name Functionality Link
SwornGuns Unlimited ammo ability Link
Essentials Mail messages with death coordinates Link
Vault Cash rewards on level-up Link
SwornNations* SafeZone and WarZone checks Link

*Also works with Factions 1.6.x

Development Builds

Development Builds can be found at our Continuous Integration server. These builds are not approved by the BukkitDev staff and are to be used at your own risk

Reporting Issues

When reporting bugs (in a ticket), please follow this template:
